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  • Rice is a good source of complex carbohydrates, which provide sustained energy throughout the day. This makes it a great choice for athletes, busy professionals, and anyone who wants to stay feeling energized.
  • Rice is a good source of several essential nutrients, including fiber, manganese, selenium, magnesium, and B vitamins. Brown rice, in particular, is a whole grain that retains all of the bran and germ, making it even more nutritious than white rice.
  • The fiber in rice helps to promote regularity and can help prevent digestive problems like constipation. Brown rice is especially high in fiber, making it an even better choice for digestive health.
  • Studies have shown that eating whole grains like brown rice can help to lower the risk of heart disease. This is because rice is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help to lower cholesterol levels.
  • Rice can help to regulate blood sugar levels, which is important for people with diabetes. This is because rice is a low-glycemic index food, which means that it causes a slower rise in blood sugar levels after eating.
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